Der Struwwelpeter, the harsh 19th-century cautionary tales, and contrast them with today’s gentle parenting movement. Are we raising more resilient kids, or are we too soft?
Tonight on Sage Dad Life, we dive into an eye-opening discussion about Der Struwwelpeter, the harsh 19th-century cautionary tales, and contrast them with today’s gentle parenting movement. Are we raising more resilient kids, or are we too soft? Let’s break it down.
Plus, we share three fantastic bedtime story picks for little dreamers:
📚 There’s No Place Like Space: All About Our Solar System – A Dr. Seuss classic that takes young minds on a journey through the stars. 🦖 Ten Minutes to Bed, Little Dinosaur – A fun and soothing adventure helping little ones wind down. 👴 How to Babysit a Grandpa – A heartwarming and hilarious take on a child’s perspective of grandparent bonding.
And finally—a call to all dads! Do you know a great dad with a story to tell? Maybe it’s your neighbor, coworker, brother, or even YOU! Sage Dad Life is about real fatherhood, the kind that happens in the messy, joyful, and unforgettable moments of raising kids. If you—or a dad you know—want to share your journey, reach out!
📧 Email to be part of the conversation.
🎙️ Listen, reflect, and join us as we celebrate the incredible adventure of fatherhood. #SageDadLife #RealDads #FatherhoodMatters #BedtimeStories #GentleParenting
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